Active SMILE workflow - Poliklinika Smile

1. CONTACT US (form on contact page)

Z-003-4. Contact Us Form (On Website) HR

Z-003-4. Contact Us Form (On Website) IT

Z-003-4. Contact Us Form (On Website) EN

TAG : contact us form, whatsapp +, confirmed email hr, sms + , no confirmed email

EMAIL : Thx. you email, Thx. for email verification

WHATSAPP : welcome message, info from clinic

SMS : choose sms or whatsapp, odabrali ste sms, welcome hr, info from clinic, reminder 1 sms ,

1a. Matching Tag with Contact Field

A-101-2. Matching Tag with Contact Field

TAG : New Dental Implants Patient, New Denture Patient, New Invisalign Patient, New First Visit Patient, New Control Patient, New ClearCorrect Patient, New Prophylaxis Patient , New Crown/Veeners - Prosthetics Patients, New Other Patient, no service selected, new patient

2. Webchat

Z-003-1. Webchat - Thank Your For Messaging - EN,HR,IT

TAG : from web chat, language en, language hr, language it, language slo, language de

EMAIL : Thx. you email, Thx. for email verification

WHATSAPP : weekdays 8-19, weekends or after hour

SMS : weekdays 8-19, weekends or after hour

3. GMB Messaging

Z-003-2. GMB Messaging - Thank Your For Messaging - multilingual

TAG : from gmb message

GMB MESSAGE : weekend after hours en, weekend after hours hr, weekend after hours it, 08-30 : 19.00 hr, en, it, 19:00-08:30 hr,en, it


Z-003-3. Facebook Messenger - Thank Your For Messaging - multilingual

TAG : from fb messenger

FB MESSENGER: Messenger when weekdays 8am to 7pm HR, IT, EN, Messenger when weekends or after hours HR, IT, EN

5. Request A Call Back (During Business Hours)

Z-003-5. Request A Call Back - multilingual

TAG : requested call back ON weekend, requested call back in business hours, requested call back OUT of business hours

CALL : Call 1 During Business Hours,

WHATSAPP : WA 4 (During Weekends), Whatsapp Before Call, WA Weekdays and Business Hours, WA After Business Hours, Whatsapp before call 2,

SMS : SMS - Webhook - During Weekends, SMS before call 1,

5a. Call status workflow for request a call back

Z-003-5a. Call status workflow for Z-003-5

TAG : Remove Tag "req. call back", 1 Call back request, calendar link, requested call back - done

VOICEMAIL : Unable to reach you

CALL : Call 1 During Business Hours,

WHATSAPP : After call completion, Unable to reach you, 3 For Call Back 

EMAIL: 2 For Call Back.

SMS : After call completion EN, Unable To Reach You, 1 Call Back, 2 Calendar Link, For Call Back

6. New Appointment Request only

Z-001-0. New Appointment Request only - HR

Z-001-0. New Appointment Request only - IT

Z-001-0. New Appointment Request only EN

TAG : Whatsapp +, SMS +, Language Croatian, Language Italian, Language English

WHATSAPP : 1 Appt Request Received (NOT YET CONFIRMED), Fill Out New Patient Form, 2 - Attempting To Confirm APPT,

EMAIL: 1 -Appointment Request Received Confirmation,

SMS : Choose SMS Or Whatsapp, 1 Appt. Req. Rec. (NOT YEY CONF.), New Pat. Form, 2 - Attempting To Confirm APPT, Reminder 1 SMS - Webhook - Choose SMS Or Whatsapp

7. Confirmation + Appointment Reminders

Z-001-1. Confirmation + Appointment Reminders EN, HR, IT

TAG : Appointment Confirmed,

WHATSAPP : Appointment Confirmation EN, HR, IT, Reminder 1 ( 2 Days Before Appointment), Reminder 2 ( 4 Hours Before Appointment), Reminder 3 (60 Minutes Before The App),

EMAIL: Appointment Confirmation EN, HR, IT,

SMS : Appointment Confirmation EN, HR, IT, , Reminder 1 ( 2 Days Before Appointment), Reminder 2 ( 4 Hours Before Appointment), Reminder 3 (60 Minutes Before The App),

LINK : To Update Appointment Status (2 min befora app.,

7a. Appointment Request Status Update Workflow

A-101-1. Appointment Request Status Update Workflow

TAG : Unable To Contact, spam & junk,

PIPELINE STAGE : Unable To Contact, Confirmed, Not Interested/Not Yet Ready,

7b. Appointment After Visit Status Update Workflow

A-101-3 Appointment After Visit Status Update Workflow

TAG : No Show, Reschedule

PIPELINE STAGE : No-Show, Showed

8. Cancelled Meeting > Let's Reschedule

Z-002-1. Cancelled Meeting > Let's Reschedule - Multilingual

TAG : Cancelled Appointment,

WHATSAPP : 1 Cancellation Confirmation & Reschedule Link, 2 Reschedule Link (After 20 Hours), 3 Reschedule Link (After 48 Hours),

EMAIL: 1Cancellation Confirmation & Reschedule Link, 2 Reschedule Link (After 12 Hours)

SMS : Internal Notif. for assigned user, 1 Cancell. Conf. & Resch. Link, 2 Cancell. Conf. & Resch. Link, 3 Cancell. Conf. & Resch. Link,

9. NoShow > Let's Reschedule

Z-002-2. NoShow > Let's Reschedule multilingual

TAG : No Show

WHATSAPP : 1 for Reschedule Link, 2 For Reschedule Link, 3 For Reschedule Link,

EMAIL: 1 Reschedule Link, 2 Reschedule Link

SMS : Notif. for asign. user, 1 For Reschedule Link, 2 For Reschedule Link, 3 For Reschedule Link

10. When a call is missed send a text message to caller

Z-005-1. When a call is missed send a text message to caller[ENABLED BY SMILE SYSTEM BY DEFAULT] - multilingual

TAG : call missed

WHATSAPP : 1 Sorry we missed your call

SMS : 1 Sorry we missed your call

11. Wrong Number > Send Update Email

Z-005-3. Wrong Number > Send Update Email > Set DND

TAG : Wrong Number, Wrong Number HR, Wrong Number SI, Wrong Number IT, Wrong Number DE

EMAIL : For Follow Up To Client EN, IT, HR

11a. Wrong Number Contact Information Updated

Z-005-5. Wrong Number Contact Information Updated - Tag removed, DND disabled - multilingual

TAG : remove Tag : Wrong Number, Wrong Number HR, Wrong Number SI, Wrong Number IT, Wrong Number DE, krivi broj...

SMS : Thx. for updating HR,EN,IT

Whatsapp : Thx. for updating HR,EN,IT

12. We Love Referrals - multilingual

Z-014-1. We Love Referrals - multilingual

TAG : requesting a friend referral

SMS : SMS - Webhook - 1 Requesting a Referral HR, IT, EN

Whatsapp : 1: Requesting a referral HR, IT, EN

12. Reactivation Campaigne (365 Days)

A-103-1.a Cleaning and Control Reminder after 3 Months (90 Days)

A-103-1.b Cleaning and Control Reminder after 6 Months (180 Days)

A-103-1.c Cleaning and Control Reminder after 9 Months (270 Days)

A-103-1.d Cleaning and Control Reminder after 12 Months (365 Days)

A-103-1.e Cleaning and Control Reminder after 18 Months (545 Days)

A-103-1.f Cleaning and Control Reminder after 24 Months (730 Days)

A-103-1.g Cleaning and Control Reminder after 30 Months (910 Days)

A-103-1.h Cleaning and Control Reminder after 36 Months (1095 Days)

A-103-1.i Cleaning and Control Reminder after 48 Months (1460 Days)

A-103-1.j Cleaning and Control Reminder after 60 Months (1825 Days)

TAG : No Show For 3 Months, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36,48 and 60,

SMS : Cleaning Remind. xx Months HR, EN, IT , SMS 2

Whatsapp : Cleaning Remind. xx Months HR, EN, IT, Voucher HR, IT, EN

Email : Cleaning Reminder xx Months HR, EN, IT, Voucher HR,EN,IT